===== NuMathWiki Overview ===== NuMathWiki is a wiki created for the purpose of facilitating communication, collaboration and self-study by mathematicians of mathematics at the research level. At its heart it functions just like any other wiki: users create and edit pages (also referred to as articles) about topics of interest. The entire edit history of a page is preserved, different edits can be compared, and the page can be easly reverted to a previous state. As on Wikipedia and many other wiki sites, each page has a companion "talk" page where people collaborating on writing the page can discuss the content of the page so as to help improve it over time. In addition, NuMathWiki has been customized and optimized in several ways for use by working mathematicians. Specific features include: ==== Math writing features ==== * The wiki is [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:mathjax|MathJax]]-enabled, for easy LaTeX-style formatting of equations and other mathematical content (example: FIXME). * The wiki supports [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:folded|collapsible blocks]] (example: FIXME) and [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:commentsyntax|inline comments]] (example: FIXME). ==== Public and private pages ==== The wiki supports the creation of two kinds of pages, public pages and private pages: * Private pages consist of all the pages created inside a registered user's [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/namespaces|namespace]] (and their companion talk pages). For example, if Joe Mathematician registered a user named joe314, all pages with a page id that looks like "people:joe314:[//pagename//]" will be private pages owned by Joe. * A private page by default can only be accessed by the user who owns it. The page owner also has the ability to customize permissions for the page by allowing specific users, or all users, to view the page and/or edit it. Thus, private pages are suitable for self-study, taking notes for personal use, for private collaborations between small groups of people, or to create an article about a topic you are interested in that you wish others to be able to view but not to edit. (We hope good articles developed in this way will eventually be migrated to the public area of the wiki!) * All pages that are not private are public pages, and can be accessed and edited by anyone (including unregistered users) just like in a typical wiki site. * Public and private pages also differ in the way their contents are licensed. See [[legal|this page]] for more information. ==== Social features ==== The [[people:start]] page, the base page of user namespaces, contains a directory of those registered users who have set their user [[?do=profile|profile]] status to public, where you can look up those users' profile information, learn about their mathematical interests, and access their private articles if they have allowed access. You too can customize your profile and make yourself visible to other site visitors. The directory can be a useful way to meet collaborators or learn what other people are working on. ==== How to use NuMathWiki? ==== The main features of the site --- navigation between pages, the buttons to create and edit pages, etc --- are fairly self-explanatory. Note that you can use the site (including editing articles) without registering a user. If you register, you will get access to your own namespace where you can create private pages and set their read and edit permissions. Additional information will be added [[help:user-interface|here]]. See also the [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/manual|DokuWiki user manual]]. ==== Further reading ==== For more information, see these articles: * [[help:syntax|A guide to the syntax for writing wiki pages]] * [[help:faq|Frequently asked questions]] * [[help:community-rules|Community rules]] * [[help:legal|Licensing of NuMathWiki content]]